Our facility offers skeet shooting instruction performed by our very own

President Matt Pomeroy.

Matt Pomeroy

(National Skeet Shooting Association Instructor – Level 1)

Clay Target Coaching by Matt Pomeroy is designed for recreational shooters, and or NSSA registered shooters (from currently un-classed through to B class).

If you are new to Shotgun Sports, or hoping for higher or more consistent scores coaching may be just what you need.

If you are interested in an introduction to Shotgun Sports, Skeet Shooting, or have any ‘Gun Fit’ questions Matt is the ‘go to’ guy.

To book your Clay Target Coaching please visit CLAY TARGET COACHING on Facebook, email claytargetcoaching@gmail.com, or call (613) 532-2825

shoot coach
member shooting shotgun
lady shooting
clay target coaching